Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Pretty cool name.
Love this name. Would name my son Jedidiah. And call him by his full name.
Absolutely love this name. Hoping for another boy to use this name for. Noah Jedidiah, love biblical names. Beloved of God how much more perfect can you get!
Sounds like the name of a racist, homophobic, Bible-thumping redneck from the American South. It doesn't help that those disturbing Duggars used it on one of their rugrats.
This is a wonderful name that will age beautifully! Jed is a cool nickname, the meaning is great and it's not a commonly used Biblical name. Love it!
I hate this name. It sounds too ultra-religious. It makes me think of fundamentalist Christians who believe in the whole Bible literally.
I absolutely LOVE this name. I hate however the nickname 'Jed.'
I hate this über-biblical name. I hate the short form Jed as well. The name sounds like an old man's name. I loathe all names ending in -iah, except maybe Mariah, as they sound so annoyingly religious.
I have a nephew named Jedidiah who is 27. I call him Jeddo, but that is just an term of endearment from a loving aunt. Jedidiah was a name of endearment given to the infant King Solomon by the prophet Nathan, and my nephew's middle name happens to be Nathan.
This is a great name for a boy. The nickname Jed is cool. I also like the meaning of this name.
This is merely my own opinion -- Jedidiah (or Jed) gives me the distinct impression of a gentle country-bumpkin (and, somehow, he is always an older person in my mind). No offense intended; it is only an impression -- a very strong impression that I can't seem to shake.

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