Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I've always thought this name was feminine because of the 80's cartoon.
This name is truly outrageous!
I always thought it sounded feminine due to the cartoon. I really don't like it on a boy. But on a girl people will immediately think of the cartoon, so it's not exactly much better there.
It's incredible! I can't find a single good nickname derived from James. Jem for a man is so weird and awful. For a girl could it could be okay, but a man named Jem... it's strange in my opinion.
Love this as a nickname for James!
I always found it funny how Jem's real name was Jeremy, as that name was very rarely used when the book was written.
This name looks ugly and too much like the word "gem", which will lead to teasing. Maybe it would work as a nickname for Jeremy, but as a legal name it sounds silly.
OK. First GIRLY! I like this name as a shortened GIRL name! Maybe for Gemma and spell it gem! If this is your name sorry, but gem is a jewel and it isn't very manly :o It can lead to nicknames. Sorry. Spoke the truth.
Like this way better than Jim.

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