Comments (Personal Impression Only)

If Jerko is listed as a nickname for Jeremy, why not also add Bootyblaster as a nickname for Jeremy, too. It makes just as much sense to be a nickname as Jerko.
Doesn't have very good connotations for obvious reasons, (jerk), but if you actually pronounce it how it's supposed to it's not even remotely close to "jerk". Also I've seen this name used fairly often in Croatia as well.
Sorry, but NO child should be named this! Never ever! NO way! The pronunciation is ok, but this name is totally unusable in English-speaking countries. As soon as I saw this name, I couldn't help but let out a laugh. I understand that's an immature reaction, but... (sigh) this name is just really unusable and inappropriate. Just go with Jerome, please... I beg you...
Just because something sounds bad in English doesn't mean that "nobody should be named it, never ever! 😡😡". It's not inappropriate, even if it is to you. The world doesn't revolve around you (this message is also targeted at anyone who up-voted this comment).

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