Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It’s gorgeous.
I just wanted to add that there isn't a single soul who spells my name right the first time. And most people don't even spell it right even if they have to copy it from a list - like they had in school. I do still like my name being unique, but it's something to consider.
Like Skullrose said, everyone will spell it Jessica anyway, so what's the point?
I like the German pronunciation- very pretty.
It's my name and I like it because it's different. You see "Jessica" everywhere and until now I just met one other girl whose name was "Jessika" too.
Jessika has some sort of cool, dark gothic edge.
I know that it is the German version but in America it looks tacky.
My mother's name. Absolutely gorgeous, but I hate that a lot of people write "Jessica" to her, instead of "Jessika".

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