Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It's okay but I associate it with a blonde-haired, blue eyed, and cool guy.
I still think this sounds like a child name.
Absolutely love the name Johnny! It's cute and handsome. But honestly I hate Johnny Depp, he's a lying narcissist, so it's an alright name.
This is MUCH better than John.
It's an awesome name, it's a strong name.
HATE, HATE! Sounds so juvenile and childish! Much prefer John or even Jonathan!
And Johnny Depp. But like the name Johnnie better.
I love Johnny Walker!
Johnny is just an alias for John. It's not good or cool.
Johnny is a very nice name.
Cool, awesome, sexy name! It also happens to remind me of one of my favorite book characters, Johnny Cade from The Outsiders.
I like the name.
This name suits people with rare surnames better. For example, Johnny Gustafson would cause less confusion than Johnny Smith.
Johnny is such a great name. The name of hot bad boys! Johnny Depp, Johnny Terris, Johnny Rotten etc.
I like this as a nickname but as a full name it's way too childish and informal. That's why I only like it if it's a nickname for John or Jonathan.
I like the name John but I love the nickname Johnny, sounds so fun and cool and makes an adorable name.
Omg, this is a really cute name for a guy! I think Johnny is even awesomer than John. I see no problem using the name Johnny as a standalone name on the birth certificate (I'm very tempted to do so!). This name rocks! ;D.
I think Johnny is a really cute name for a guy. I like it. John is way too common but I like the name. I dislike Jonathan.
I have always had a fondness for Johnny as a nickname for John (or Jonathan). Jack is nice, too. It is pleasant, youthful, fetching, sturdy, and won't sacrifice having a more "polished" name in a professional setting, since it (hopefully) is only being used as a diminutive (although, Johnny could still probably work if he really wanted to go by it- that just furthermore proves that it is a great, versatile sobriquet).
I like John, but I don't like this nickname. Johnny doesn't sound childish; instead I'll gripe about the image it gives me. It gives me two unpleasant images: the first is of a redneck, and the second is of an arrogant blond guy who harasses and beats up innocent people. The latter is probably due to the evil Johnny Lawrence from The Karate Kid. Please don't call your kid Johnny.
This is a good name. But I'd much prefer it as a nickname for John than an independent name.
Johnny is both a sweet and masculine nickname, but a nickname only.
I personally think this name is great. It's adorable, but not feminine. My dad's name is John, and his parents and siblings call him Johnny. I think it's more interesting than plain John. I know a few Johns and Jonathans, and I always like to nickname them Johnny if they let me. =]
Ick, the only thing that comes to mind are male strippers.
I like this much better than just plain old John. It's fun and interesting. I think a Johnny would be a really cool guy to hang around with.
Johnny is a cool name. Most Johnnys are fun and attractive people.
Personally I think it's kinda nice and trendy but a bit too common and folksy lol.
Johnny is a cool name. I don't like the name John because that's too boring, but Johnny is wounderful. I also love S.E. Hinton's book 'The Outsiders', it's the best. Her character Johnny is my favorite, then he died.
I think Johnny is a wonderful name for a boy. My Grandfather as well as my friend is named that.

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