Comments (Personal Impression Only)

José should be used for boys only in my opinion. I don't care for it on a girl because it sounds like Joseph.
I’m friends to a large white, blue-eyed, blond haired family with the surname José. They aren’t sure on their heritage but although their father looked as white as the rest of them their mother’s father didn’t approve of their marriage just because of his name. Smh.
José is a nice forename that I like, but it is very popular. Being a member of the crowd can be a good thing if someone would like to have this name for their child.
Hate all Spanish names.
Average Joe: American: :Average Jose: Mexican?
Well, I'm not that into this name if you're in America, everybody will start to pronounce it Josie and then say Hosay and then they will start to spell it Hosea and then scribble that out and write Jose.I know a ghetto white kid named Joseph that I call Jose because it's just so freaking funny, but other than that, I'm not too fond of this name.
No way Jose. Though it sounds kinda nice it seems really common.
I love it, it's my husband's name, really common though.
Sounds like a racist stereotype of a Mexican. And I actually knew a GIRL named Jose who pronounced it Josie! That was pretty strange.

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