Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Makes me think of a hippie, for some weird reason. Anyway this is a good name! It sounds mysterious and intriguing - but this should only be MASCULINE, not used as a feminine name.
This is a man's name! I hate it when women use Jules as a nickname for Julie or Julia.
This is what my older brother goes by. It fits him much more than his actual name, but it doesn't sound very French to me. It's a nice unisex name.
I've always pronounced this "Jools". Don't know if that's correct or not. I think it's hip and fun.
This is my name, and people always ask if it's a nickname. But I love it.
This is my favorite nickname for my favorite boy's name. I plan on naming my first son Julius and calling him Jules. I don't know why I like this name so much. Maybe it's because it's different enough to stand out from all the kids named Jake, John, or Nick, without being too "weird" or "out there."
The name Jules is classy, masculine, sophisticated, beautiful and HANDSOME! :D It's perfect for a guy!
I stumbled upon this name in French class, and I absolutely adored it! But I live in America, and it will definitely be mispronounced as jewels.

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