Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Honestly due to Exo's Kai I can't think of this name on anyone else!
Kai is truly one of the most unisex and versatile names in modern naming circles. It doesn't matter what culture you are from, or what gender your baby is, because Kai can be used for anyone.
Kai is a truly multicultural name that's also an Estonian feminine name, a Hawaiian unisex name, a modern Hebrew unisex name, a Navajo unisex name, and an English unisex or feminine name. Saying people shouldn't use them for girls is culturally insensitive and I really can't understand why some people think it's ok to do that.
I like this name as a unisex name. It’s very cool, and it’s universal.
Dear people, please. It is a masculine name. I don't know when you are gonna start to understand this fact. I already know some goofy people name their daughter Kai but every healthy ear can hear and catch its manly vibe.
Kai is unisex and it has always been unisex. You are looking at Kai 1, which is only one form of this name that happens to be masculine. There are 4 Kais total on this website, and clearly you didn't look at more than one before making the assumption that this is just another boys' name being used as a girls' name. Kai is also a Hawaiian name, of course making it unisex, as well as an Estonian name that is exclusively feminine. Kai is for everyone, my friend.
I think Kai is a very handsome name for a boy. I think it works fine and I like it as a middle name.Have some combos that I really love and that you are more than free to look at:Damian Kai
Ashton Kai
Brendan Kai
Jordan Kai
Jonathan Kai
Zachary Kai
Matthew Kai
Kai Vincent
Kai Matthew.
Like this name for boys. It's OK on girls.
So boring. Really, is this a full name? Just strange. Not nice.
I strongly dislike it. Unattractive, it also looks incomplete for some reason. I prefer Guy.
I know 2 Kais. One was a skinny boy with black hair, who is funny. One of them is a light brown haired one who is rather big and also funny.
I think all Kais were made to be funny, lol.
Nice name for a boy.
I'm female and my name is Kai. I love it. I've never had anyone tell me any different :)
Kai always sounded masculine to me. For some reason though, it always was the main characters name in an action show like Beyblade or Pokémon, even though I don’t recall a character having that name (Though I may be wrong, haven’t rewatched either in a long time). Not a favorite, doesn’t age well and it’s ridiculous on a girl.
I'm saddened to see that this name has become more common than Kyle. I do think it is a good nickname for either a boy or girl though, whether it be a nickname for Kyle, Kylie, or Kyla.
In cantonese, the word "Kai" sometimes means dumb or crazy. It's a good name but as a cantonese I won't name my son Kai.
My 5 year old son (soon to be 6) is named Kai and I still love the name. When I chose the name I knew of no one else with the name and I chose it because of the strong meaning in many other languages. I'm sad that it has become more popular but I think it will soon go back to being an uncommon name.
My 7 month old grandson is named a Polish name, Kajetan, but we call him Kai. There is a female weather-caster in the Chicago area name Kai. She's the only other Kai I have ran across besides my grandson. We've had very good reactions to the name.
I don't think it works for an Anglo-surnamed baby. My bogan neighbour has called her toddler son this and the sound of her yelling his name in her raucous "Strine" accent and adding several four letter words to describe him when he's naughty will always be associated with this name in my mind. It seems like it will date quickly too.
This name doesn't work in New Zealand. It's Maori for food.
Kai here (male); really great name, in spite of the frequent flinches when you think someone said your name but they were just saying "hi" to someone else.
My name is Kai and it was not at all popular when I was growing up. I'm 33 and only know 2 other people my age named Kai one guy one gal. I love my name.
I think this name sounds feminine, not masculine. Because it reminds me of the name Kay!
I also love this name but am worried about the growing popularity. I would hate for my son to get to school age and there are 5 other kids in his class with the same name. :(
I love this name... If I ever had a baby boy, he most definitely would be named Kai!
I've only known one person named Kai, and although I didn't get to know him well, he was an amazing bassist and seemed to be a shy, quiet and kind type of person. This name carries good connotations for me, and I like the sound of it as well.
Are you kidding me?! This is a name?! It sounds so incredibly "modern", "kreativ", and extremely childish! I honestly can't imagine anyone with this name over the age of ten. A perfect example of how dumb parents are getting these days. Absolutely disgusting.
It should remain a nickname, a diminutive-- no more, no less. "Kai" is incredibly feminine to me, especially considering that it is a very common petname for people bearing the name "Kaitlin/Catelin/etc," not to mention as full first itself. The idea that this appears 'masculine' is gag-inducing to me... as a full given name it is weak, unprofessional, pompous, beyond childish, unintelligent, and need I say it? Ugly.
It holds possibility of being labeled "kre8tiv," in English-speaking countries (especially the United States).A Kai Reed does not sound like a surgeon to me, nor does a Kai Fitzgerald in the court room. I urge prospect parents to use with discretion and caution, truly marinate the idea in your mind.
When I was in elementary school in the mid 80s I had a pen pal named Kai from Sweden and I've loved the name always since then. It is simple, strong and sweet.
My son is called Kai and I love it. However it's sad how overused it's becoming.
My personal impression of the name Kai is not static, as I have found impressions change as often as new information arrives and old information is discarded. Imagine my surprise to learn it was contained in the Greek term triskaidekaphobia, which means 'fear of the number thirteen!' As you can imagine, I don't take it all too literally. It generally means very earthy and natural sorts of things which is perfect for me as I am simply a natural human with no religious or political or social views. Kai is a perfect name for me with it's natural meanings and my own love for all life on Earth and the Earth itself, which like the name Kai can be either masculine or feminine, such as Kelly or Jessie. Thank you for considering my experiences!
Sorry so long winded, but I do spend a fair 'amount' of time as Kai. In my life, I've met more women than men with the name, and at the same time I get a more masculine impression of the name (not the women who bear it!)
Kai reminds me of the bald-headed little boy named Caillou (KIE-yoo) on Noggin.
I LOVE this name. A strong, handsome-sounding name that is unique without being too over-the-top.
The name Kai - makes me think of an intelligent, witty, handsome and cosmopolitan boy or man. It is very popular in Germany and Northern Europe. The Italian version of the name is spelled Caio (from Caius). Kai is getting more and more popular in England, Canada and Australia.
Lovely name! A strong and beautifully sounding name! It is short, clear, easy to pronounce in any language, and it has so many and only positive meanings. The name Kai is also historical. Caius, from where Kai originates, was a very common name in the Roman Empire. Famous bearers were Caius Julius Caesar, Pope Caius (283-296), etc.
The name Kai could sound historic but also very modern, charming and masculine. What a smart and original name!
Don't like the name. For me it is just so out of time. In Sweden we pronounce it KAY.
I absolutely love this name, whether for a boy or girl. I first saw it on a game on the n64 called Harvest Moon, used for a boy working on a vineyard. When I saw it, I fell in love with it. Seems like an easy person to get along with, fun-loving, but still rough-around-the-edges. Imagine my delite when I realized it's the first half of my middle name, Kaitlin. I've wanted to be called Kai as a nickname of sorts, but it just never really happened. :( Really great though.
It is an interesting name and definitely rising in popularity. I personally prefer it for a boy.
Kai sounds like the name of a cold-hearted guy. I've never heard of a girl with this name though.
I like this name a lot, though only on boys. It's not really a girls' name to me. But maybe that's only because I've never met a girl with that name.
I like this name for a boy, it's becoming very popular in the UK now.
This name is unique, but not outrageous. Makes me think of a strong, sensible person.

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