Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Very nice name.
Loving the history and mythology of the name. It also looks attractive.
I really like this name and I think it suits both a boy and a girl. I really don't like it as a variant spelling of Kaylee, however.
The only Kali I ever knew was a boy. I must say that I much prefer this name on males.
Lovely name.
This name rolls off my tongue whenever I say it... I love it.
Very nice name with a cool namesake. It's a shame that Hollywood has gotten their facts all wrong about Kali, making ignorant people think that she's evil.
My name is Kali, and I am haughtily proud of its powerful origins. However, it IRKS me when people use it as an urbanized form of the name Kaleigh, or pronounce it just. Wrong. I suppose you can pronounce it however you choose, but not before I contribute my two cents. As you have probably already read, Kali is the wife and destructive balance to Shiva, creating shakti. So, if you're using THAT NAME, then you should do as the Hindus do, and pronounce it KAH-lee. KAH like AAH the sound you make when the doctor tells you to open your mouth. But I'm not Kali, so you can do whatever you please and I can't do anything about it. But OH! I love my name so much. I can tell you're jealous.
I'm NEVER gonna think of the name Kali as 'dark' or 'sinister' due to my friend Kali (Kay-lee) being happy, bouncy and extremely huggy.I have no problem with other pronunciations of 'Kali' because it all really depends on how you wanted it to be said.
I love this name, especially because of its dark meaning. I would have loved to name a child this, but the husband disagreed. So, I named one of my min pins this pronounced KAH-lee. Unfortunately, everyone seemed to pronounce it like Cali, the abbreviation for California.
Love the sound, look and meaning of this name. It's so great. :)
Well, my name's Kali and I'm proud of it! I don't really know what was going through my mom's head when she picked Kali, but I sure am glad I got such an unique name!

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