Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think that the name Kalisha is such a gorgeous name! I’d prefer if it were spelt as Calisha, but I love how sleek Kalisha appears.
Eh, I prefer the name Kalissa. It just sounds better to me.
It's really pretty.
Not very pleasant in sound.
This name ought to be illegal.
I am not usually fond of made up names, but I think Kalisha has a neat sound to it (pronounced KAL-ishah).EkiAku, I don't think that the other comments necessarily "reek of racism"... I just think that the posters chose to call it "ghetto" rather than better explaining why they dislike it, or simply saying that they find made up names to be unappealing. In the grand scheme of things, I don't think Kalisha is looks boldly made up... it could be passable as a "genuine" name, in my opinion. I tend to not like kre8tiv names for their lack of professional appearance, though.
I tend to not like these style of names because they have no meaning or history. There's also other reasons, but are more complicated than I can explain in one a comment.However, the other comments on here reek of racism.
What a tacky name. It is a made up name.

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