Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I like this spelling. I've seen it in old English baptismal registers dating to Elizabethan and Jacobean times, so it's hardly a new gimmick. Seeing it in those old registers also confirms my own preference for Katherine with a K rather than a C.
I love my name, Katheryn, (its spelling with the "e") and its meaning. Many people will invariably spell it without; so each time someone has to write it on a form, I make it a point to enunciate the beginning "K" (to avoid the automatic starting with "C") - and the "e". However, if I had a dime for each time it's misspelled when I ask the person to spell it back to me, and it was written incorrectly anyway, I would be a wealthy young lady! Guess I have one of those names everyone assumes they already know how to spell, since everyone has a Catherine/Katherine in their lives. Though, I get many positive comments on this spelling.
Love this spelling! It's my daughters name, and I always get comments on it.
Of all the variations of Catherine/Katherine, I like this one best. My least favourite is Kathryn though. What a difference one 'e' makes.
Looks too much like a "forced" respelling. I prefer Katherine or Catherine.
Its so much more unique than plain old Katherine. I like this spelling the best with a K or a C.
This is my favorite spelling of the name. I don't understand why Catherine and Katherine are so much more popular than Katheryn.

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