Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Pretty and unique.
I think Kausalya is super cool!
While it may be a spectacular name from its origin land, it is definitely not in the United States. Especially because of the spelling, it strikes as a "made-up" name to typical Americans. Probably due to the fact that, at the moment, it is a trend to be "kre8iv." This includes Mikaylah, Uriyeka, Ladashah, Tibronz, Makenzye, and the works. Overall, I suppose what I am trying to get down to is that names related through spelling to Kausalya, do not appear very intelligent around here.Of course, if you are Indian... and have an Indian surname to match, I do believe it could be pulled off.
That stands for other extremely ethnic names such as Italian, Greek, Russian, and German.
Looks pretty written out, but I don't really like how it sounds.

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