Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It looks like Kaylee and Kylie combined. I don't like combined names, especially this one.
I prefer Kayla.
I'm definitely biased. My name is Kaylie, and I love it so much. I hated my birth name, cringed when people used it. My Grandma's middle name is Kay. So, I decided on Kaylie. Everyone except my parents who knew me by my birth name, agree Kaylie suits me more. Whenever someone who only knows me as Kaylie, finds out my dead name - They hate it.
I'd only use this as a nickname for Kayla. However, as a given name it is utterly immature.
My name is Kaylie I like it, it makes me feel great about myself. If there are other people named Kaylie spelled this way and don't like it, come on, at least you have a name and your name is you and I am Kayle feeling LOUD AND PROUD.
Sounds too juvenile. Would probably work best as a nickname.
My name is Kaylie. Please do not name your child this! Kaylie and Kaylee are okay names, but it's very hard to grow up with!
My name is Kaylie, and I used to really not like it but now I feel like I am blessed with the name. It is very beautiful and describes me! I look exactly like a Kaylie, and I love the unique spelling as well.
This is my name but I go by Lea. This name doesn't get as much hate as Kaylee but it seems like some like Kaylie better. To be honest, I never liked my name. I always felt like a Jessica and wanted to legally change my name. I've decided to keep it because it's too much work and stress. I go by my nickname and I like my middle name better. Sometimes I wonder if Kayla could be a nickname of Kaylie because I've always loved that name too. I've always loved Sarah, Jessica, and Kayla as a name. Never felt like a Kaylie but I will defend it.
I think it’s really nice. It is spelt KAYLIE which I think is very unique. ❤️ I’m just thinking, if your name is Kaylie (spelt any way) you are blessed, shy, and kind. I think if you have this name, you should be happy with it. If you are not, be free to change it but beware your personality will fade. You will become a fresh new person. Kaylie is there to help you always, even in rough times. If you have a BFF named Kaylie, you should keep her close. She will love you more than anything in the whole wide world. If you name your child Kaylie, it’s a really good choice. :) Love to all!
So, this is my name. I'm 14. Hated it, I've always hated it. I'm changing my name before I get my license (still looking for a good one). I just never thought it fit me. I don't look like a Kaylie, and the name just kills me. Yes, it's spelled KAYLIE. Which I think makes it worse. The only reason I somewhat like it is because Kay comes from the KA in Karen (my mom) and Lie (pronounced lee) is from my dad's middle name, Lee. I like the name when it's on someone else for some reason though. Just not me.
I like it. It's very cute.

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