Comments (Usage Only)

Keiko was one of the most popular Japanese girls names of the 20th century.It entered the top 10 in 1941 and stayed there until 1978, falling out a few times in between.It was #1 from 1953-1954 and 1956-1961.It is most commonly spelled 恵子 (celebrate + child).
Keiko was given to 15 girls in America in 2016.
Keiko was given to 13 girls in America in 2015, possibly because of Japanese descent.
Given to 11 girls in America in 2014.
Also could be 恵子 (blessed child). [noted -ed]
This must be a unisex name, because Keiko the orca was male.
Keiko (Kay-ko) is definitely a feminine name in Japan.
It can also mean "joy child" or "grace child" or "revelation child" or "the beginning/opening of a letter child" or numerous other things. In the generations before me, this was an EXTREMELY common name (I know lots of Keikos).As for being a unisex name, I can't speak for other languages, but no Japanese in their right minds would name their boys Keiko unless maybe they wanted him to get beat up or something. It's a very feminine name in Japanese.
No. It's definitely a feminine name.

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