Comments (Personal Impression Only)

If it weren’t for the car manufacturer, I’d totally use this name on a potential daughter; Kia sounds so melodic and sweet. To be honest, I understand why the company titled themselves this beautiful name.
I like this name, and some of y’all say it’s ugly, I’m on my sisters tablet and first of all, you don’t have to have dark skin to use this name! This name is of African origin and my imaginary daughter (who is black), has this name and I think it suits her good. Imo she pronounces it kee-a. And my imaginary daughter is 5, turning 6 on November 27.
Technically could be short for Kiara. Kiara drives a Kia.
Don't use this for a diminutive for Kristina! Use Kristy please!
I changed my name to Kia beacuase I changed my gender to genderfluid! It is an amazing name and I love it!
Lmao imagine being named after a car company or hearing someone say “Ayo, Kia get over here”.
I don't like the Kia car. I also don't like this name.
I don’t get this trend of putting an 'ia' on to some random letter and making some short incredibly tacky name. I don’t like the pronunciation either.
My two-year old niece is named Kiandra, and we call her Kia for short. I like it. It's short, cute, and fun to say in silly voices to make her giggle :DThe fact that it's a car brand is actually pretty suiting; her other aunt and grandfather both build and race cars.
People will call you Car or Carrie. Oh, hi I'm Kia! Vroom vroom. No offence if this is your name, I like it alright besides the fact that it is a car company.
I know a Kia. Kind of a brat, but an great name otherwise. Very cute and one of my all-time favorites! :)
I love the name Kia. It is so adorable and sugar-sweet it could give Chloe a run for its money. However, I don't like Kia car or "killed in action" associations, so I prefer the spelling Kiya. Kiya is an Ancient Egyptian name, borne by a wife of the Pharaoh Akhenaten. I love the way Kiya looks (the "y" gives it more spunk), and I'm kind of an Ancient Egypt enthusiast, so Kiya's history makes it more appealing to me than the Kia spelling.
Pretty, but there is also a brand of car called Kia. I think it's a little bit too short, you should name your child something longer, and then they get nicknames to choose from.

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