Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I love the name Kingston. It's a Guilty Pleasure name. I could never use it for personal reasons but I wish I could! I love the nickname King.
I think that Kingston is an amazing name.
A very tacky name. I like Gwen Stefani as a singer, but I don't think she has good taste in names.
Kingston is great for a the nickname King, and the name sounds like a calm leader who listens to his constituents.
Not my favorite, but I don’t think it’s awful. Can’t think of any good nicknames for it though.
Honestly, this name isn’t a name I would pick. It doesn’t sound that bad though, it’s just that the association with King makes it pretentious and surnamey. It’s not a horrible name, I’m in the minority.
Pretty bad, I see many modern names have a -ton ending, basically like the -den trend. Though I like one name with that ending, don't judge me please.
Kingston Jamaica anyone? Lots of cities in the world have the name Kingston. It’ll be awkward indeed to see a boy named Kingston.
Another kiddish name that should stay as a surname and only slightly better than King.
I personally do not like this name. It sounds too made up and overrated.
Kingston is a city-town, and that is one of the reasons for why I do not like Kingston as someone's name. Plus, it just sounds tacky and pretentious. Come'on, King?! KINGsTON?
For the comment above saying Kingston is a city-town, Sofia is the name of a city. Does that make Sofia a bad name?
Kingston is a name of a city where I do all of my shopping. It is not a name to me.
Kingston sounds like something a teen or child would choose.
It's disgusting how much this name shot up in popularity after some dumb 'celebrity' used it. Honestly, how many celebrities really give their children good names anymore? If anything, people should be naming their children after family members or someone they admire, not some washed up singer's baby. This name sounds horribly pretentious and tacky anyways. And it's a place in Jamaica. Not that there's anything wrong with Jamaica, this just sounds horrible as a first name.
It is a guilty pleasure of mine. I like it, but it sounds kind of weird as a name.

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