Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is my younger sister's name and i think it is absolutely adorable! It is so silly and simple. I adore my sister, she is my heart and soul, so i love the name by association.
I have this name and used to hate it. As a kid I always got made fun of, saying it's a boy's name and that I must be a boy. As an adult, I love this name. I look feminine, have been called pretty, not prissy or a whimp, and very down to earth. So, for that, it describes me perfectly. Not too boyish and not extremely girly. My mom's Asian so I don't know how in the hell she came up with this name...she has a hard time pronouncing 'r's because it's not in her native language. Lol.
I'm a 21 year old woman named Kori. I love it. It's unique and charming. My parents found it in a baby book. Kori is a Maori name meaning to play. And is for baby girls.
I'm sorry but who would name their daughter this?! Corey\Cory is a masculine name regardless of spelling.If you ask me, the spelling of Kori really isn't much feminine and I can see it working well for a boy.
Kori is variant of Greek name Koré.
The name Kori was given to 225 baby girls in the US in 2012.
I love this spelling. Kori is a wonderful name.
It's a beautiful name. I love it.
Well the meaning or description or whatever says that it's the feminine form of Corey, but on the description of Corey it says "From a surname that was derived from the Old Norse given name Kori, of unknown meaning." So, I think that would kind of, sort of, maybe make this the original form of Corey, don't you think?
It's spelled in a very cutesy way that would seem weird on guys, and the name sounds quite masculine for girls. That, and youthful.
This name is really cute for a girl!

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