Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Kris is an absolutely gorgeous name that only the most elegant, poised people are worthy of. When I hear the name, all that I picture is a jovial woman dancing to her favorite music whilst wearing a dress coated in aquamarine sequins and a charming bow tie. It’s a very comforting image to me, and Kris possesses that same warm demeanor. If you are considering the name Kris for your child, prepare for them to become a very successful businessperson. They will likely have six children that all have custody of names beginning with the letter K. Those six mini-Krises will also be world-renowned for their endearing qualities. I recommend that if you have a child named Kris, you give them a signature haircut that they maintain for at least the first 18 years of their life. I additionally suggest that you refrain from naming your child Kris if your last name is Jenner. This is because you may receive a copyright strike from Kris Jenner herself. I, being the helpful human that I am, have an amazing tip for if your child gets made fun of for being named Kris: simply go into the perpetrator’s face and scream, “Gitchie gitchie ya ya, ta ta!” This tactic will intimidate any opponents into submission. It’s crucial to set your child up for multi-million-dollar success starting from the ripe age of 0 years old. Kris is not a name meant for just anyone; Kris is meant for only people of the highest caliber. Be careful when naming your child Kris, because you might just be harnessing a true force of nature. Kris is not for the faint of heart. It’s a name with true power behind it that is only meant to be utilized when absolutely necessary. Thank you for your time.
I am officially reclaiming this name for the non-binary people! It's feminine and masculine, this is the one my friends! (Anybody can use the name, this is a joke!)
Seems more feminine to me.
For some reason I honestly prefer this name on a girl. Leave Chris for boys.
I may hate the associations with Jenner and Aquino, but overall I think Kris is a cool name.
I used to like Chris better, but now this spelling has grown on me. I think it works quite fine for either gender.
Kris used to be more common for girls, but today it's more common for guys.

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