Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is my spelling.
And my birth year is at the start of the peak of this spelling (well done parents! Followed a trend for once in your life I see).
This has been a nightmare throughout my school years.
It can be spelled over 50 ways AND EVERYONE GETS IT WRONG EVERY TIME.
But I'm not bitter -- anymore.
It's a joke now and rather than spell it (for instance, wait list at an eatery), it's easier to just say "whatever, sound it out" :-D
It seemed okay when I was younger; not sure how it sounds as an older human.
As I get older, I'll update
Unless I kick out sooner than later.
I like this name with K.
Also good nickname for Kristina.
This is my name. I didn't get picked on about it, but I've always hated it. It's so undignified, and it sounds like "crusty". I can't imagine being an old woman with this name. Don't do this to your child. Name her Christine or something and just use this as a nickname.
I like this spelling, it's cute. I knew a lady Kristi and thought it was a neat spelling.
Seems like a chav name to me.
I don't really like this name, but I might be a little biased since I had a classmate in the seventh grade named Kristi who tortured me endlessly. Anyway, about the name. It seems like someone tried to spell Christy in a creative way.
Can you say butchering? I dislike this name, but I am slightly biased. Being a Christy and having this as a classmate's name after 6th Grade on was awful. Plus I think any variant beginning with "K" wipes Christ out of the name, and that is the best thing about my name in my opinion. Good name, bad spelling, nuff said.

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