Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think Crystal's cheesy in the first place, but when you spell it with a K it reminds me of the Krusty Krab. It's just suburban Americans trying to be exotic and original. I much prefer Christel, because it's a variant of Christina.
I like it better than Crystal. My wife is pregnant so we chose her name to be Krystal.
I personally, named my daughter born 1987 "Krystal". After reading in the Book of Revelations - chapter 21:11, Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; I love the name Crystal and changed the C to “K” for uniqueness. I feel it's a youthful, humble, and simple name. To think of God and his Glory and the twelve gates and twelve Angels at the gates and the names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children job Israel. I adore the Name Krystal. My intent was to give my daughter a name that resonated with the Bible and the last days. Revelations is the last days and it speaks on the New Jerusalem, the city, and the twelve gates in heaven.
Another trendee/kre8tyv/younique spelling of a traditional name, but this isn't awful, I just prefer Crystal or Kristal to this.
Crystal is beautiful and makes me think of snow and ice crystals. But Krystal just looks trendy and 80s.
I really like it spelled this way for some reason.
I feel like this name was already bogan enough without the 'K'.
Krystal is a fast food restaurant. Not that that's a bad thing, they have really good food. Anyway, I like Crystal more.
This spelling looks nice and I prefer it to Crystal, but I don't think it would age well.
I love the name since the TV show Dynasty. I named by daughter that name but it's spelled Krystal.
Looks nice spelt with a K.
C looks better in my opinion.
This is my little cousin's name. I honestly prefer it with a C, but this spelling is okay, I guess.
It's my birth name. I spent 6 years as a stripper and came across 13 Krystals as stage names...
There's a movie being released called Krystal about an alcoholic stripper with Rosario Dawson in it.
Every depiction I see of my name is of either a stripper, a dumb girl, somebody's cheap mistress, or a hippy.
I need a new name...
Love this name! So unique and beautiful and although Crystal is beautiful, Krystal is even nicer. I've never known a Krystal but I've known a Crystal, so Krystal is even more exotic and rare. Krystalle is also pretty. It comes with cute nicknames like Kriss but Rye isn't one of my favourites. Krystal also sounds more mature than Crystal but both are great names! I just prefer Krystal.
Honestly I prefer this variant of "Crystal" as it is unique to start, there is a hamburger joint called Krystal whose burgers are also called Krystals and yes... A famous singer named Krystal Meyers does exist. I've noticed that while the middle name Marie goes good with the C variant, the middle name Nicole goes extremely well with the K variant. Just personal observation.
I honestly really love the name Krystal, it's so pretty :). I used to actually really prefer Crystal, but that was before I heard the name Krystal. I actually had never heard of the alternate spelling of Krystal, until I found the Christian singer, Krystal Meyers.
In my experience, spelling it with a 'k' makes for much prettier cursive (my most natural hand). And yes kids will mock by saying "Krystal meth", but c'mon... kids will find literally ANYTHING to pick on. Bullies are bullies in any form.
I used to like this alternate spelling of Crystal until I found out about the fanbase of Krystal from StarFox. These fans are a little too obsessed with her, which rivals the worship of Twilight by its own fans, and thus that puts me off to the Krystal spelling.
Although I find most "alternative" spellings of Crystal obnoxious--especially with an 'i' instead of a 'y' *shudder*--this one isn't so bad, and I say this because Krystal reflects the original Greek spelling of the word it comes from. Though I still prefer Crystal.In fact, I have a love/hate relationship with this name. On the one hand, beautiful crystals pop into my mind when I think of this name--and I think the name itself sounds pretty. On the other hand, immediately after I think of Swarovski crystals, I think of crystal meth--and that is definitely something I *don't* want to think about! And, of course, it doesn't help that every Crystal/Krystal/(insert other spelling variant here) I've seen/come across was quite trashy.
I love this name beyond words. It is SO much more beautiful than Crystal. You can call it a 'hooker' name all you like, I still wouldn't care, neither would you talk me out of this name. Anyways, Krystal stands for.Kind sounding/Knowledgable
Young/Youthful (in a very good way)
Sweet, Sassy and Sexy
I like my name but too many people have it now. I used to like the way it was spelled but it might as well be spelled with a c now!
Cheap and common.
When you spell it with a k it's a lot more original and unique.
This is very nice. I prefer Cristyl and Crystal, but this is a lovely spelling too.
My name is spelt that way and I love it because I come across barely anyone who's name is spelt the same and I love it because that means I'm one in a million and it's worth correcting people all the time. I'm gonna name my daughter something special like that, something like Krysma because no other person should have their name like that and I got it from my favorite tv show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I got the first 4 letters from my name.
I've always thought it's such a pretty name, though I personally prefer it spelled with a C.

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