Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Gosh, this might be my least favorite spelling variant of Crystal. It just, for some reason, doesn't look right to me...
Crystal is lovely but this is just bad. So bad. It's worse than Krystal and she will have to spell it out every single time whereas with Krystal she can at least just say "Krystal with a K" for Krystle she'll have to spell it.
I absolutely do not care for this spelling variant. It just doesn't look as nice and solid as Crystal does or even Krystal, for that matter. Personally, I would stick with the original.
I was named after the Linda Evans' character, and yes my name is misspelled & pronounced wrong all the time. So annoying...
Krystle is avery pretty name. Krystle is way better then plan old Crystal.
It looks like it would be pronounced KRIS-sel. A very tacky and ugly spelling.
"Krystle" sounds lovely when spoken aloud, but the spelling is rather messed up. Having grown up with a first name constantly misspelled, it can get really annoying very fast. If you're considering this name, keep in mind that the name will be misspelled all the time. Plain ol' Crystal may be a better choice.

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