Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

I like the fact that Leni from The Loud House is the most fashionable of her siblings.
Leni Robredo is a Filipino governmental secretary.
Leni Loud is a character from the Nickelodeon show “The Loud House”. She is a 16 year old fashion expert and is known for being quite ditzy at times.
Leni Loud from The Loud House.
Actress Farrah Fawcett was born Ferrah Leni Fawcett.
Leni Loud is the second oldest Loud child from the cartoon, The Loud House.
Unfortunately, there was a filmmaker named Leni Riefenstahl who made Nazi propaganda films.
Leni Riefenstahl made Nazi propaganda films, but she made a lot of other films, too and did photography and underwater films. She is generally considered one of the first women to be involved in the film industry.
Heidi Klum and Flavio Briatore's daughter's name is Leni.
Heidi Klum's daughter's name is Helene, but she goes by Leni.I much prefer "Lay-nee" to "Lee-nee". It sounds much more dignified.

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