Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is a great and a very interesting name.
Interesting name.
I love this with the nickname Nye.
Leonidas, the guy who led the 300 Spartans in the battle of Thermopylae, is somewhat of a joke between me and my friends. This is thanks to a mispronunciation: "Leonardis".
Most likely, Leonidas as a kid will be teased, embarrassed during the ancient Greece lesson in social studies, and have their name mispronounced. "Leonard? Leo? Oh, Leonidas?"
Leonidas will learn early on to just tell people his name is Leo.
Love this name- I'd probably use the nickname Leo for the most part, but since I think Leo is too short of a name on its own, Leonidas would be my favorite long Leo- name to get to the nickname. It has great meaning and is deep-rooted in history. As to previous comments, I've never watched 300 so I don't know how much association this name would have to the movie, but I personally don't think the name is ruined because of that association!
This name is so pompous and elaborate, it's ridiculous. I can't imagine calling someone Leonidas (lee-oh-NIE-das). They'll most likely get called Leo anyway, so why not go with Leonard, Leonardo, Leon, or just plain old Leo?
"THIS IS SPARTA!" Someone with this name will probably get that all the time. It's a nice name, but it's been temporarily ruined by the movie 300.

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