Comments (Usage Only)

With 12 889 649 bearers, Li is the 4th most common given name in China (2014 Data).Source:
CorrectionAccording to multiple sources, Li is a popular unisex given name in China. With 12 889 649 bearers, Li is the 4th most common given name in China (2014 Data).Sources:
A REALLY popular surname in China.
Sounds better as a surname. I only knew people with the surname Li, never first name.
Some one-syllable, two-letter names have Zen appeal, while others not so much. Not all names translate as well into any particular language and are perfectly fine as given names, but not necessarily when referred to outside the cultural distinction. In Chinese and other languages that use characters rather than letters, the character and pronunciation for the name Li is considered appealing. When used as part of a double name such as Emi-Li, I think the transliteration Li works well. On its own it gets lost and becomes flat and uninteresting. When transliterated as Lee, Leigh or Leagh (all unisex) for males or Lee, Lea, Leie, Leigh, Leagh for females, all pronounced the same (according to English standardised orthography and/or origin of the name), the name has transformed its appeal, now containing linguistic character, without having to lose the intent of its transliterated origin and/or meaning.
One of the top three surnames of Chinese.
"Li" is a very common surname in China. So I heard, anyway.

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