Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Idk why people are hating so much, I think it's sweet. Sure, it's a little childish, but I could still sort of picture this on an adult. I think it would be a little funny, but certainly not the worst name that a lady could have. I do think this would work best as a nickname, but overall a lovely and charming name.
I think it's lovely!No, it's not the French Nevaeh or Madison! It is way more old fashioned and sweet.It has been used in France for a long time, just not as the official name but as a nickname.I do love it on its own, though.The character in The Fifth Element wasn't named Lilou but Leeloo (it sounds the same but is still different).
Insufferably twee and babyish. Tolerable as a nickname.
This name sounds very lower class...
Too childish sounding to my ears.
Ugh, I hate this name. In France, it's like Madison and Nevaeh. It shot up in popularity out of nowhere (well not out of nowhere, my guess would be it's because of the movie The Fifth Element) and many are saying it is going to be in the top 10 for 2013. It's fine as a nickname for Lily Louise or something like that, but its so cutesy and ridiculous as a full name. I have a feeling it will die out just as fast as it became popular and date the bearer horribly. I wish more people would choose classic, elegant names for their children rather than stuff like this.
I totally agree with Bonjourmonjoli above. It's kinda nice as a nickname but as a real name, it's ridiculous and childish. Little girls grow up to be women, parents should remember...
Lee-loo? That sounds utterly ridiculous as a name. Imagine a forty year old woman named Lilou/Lilu/Leeloo etc.
This name doesn't sound very mature or dignified. And it's so damn trendy - it's kind of like the Nevaeh of the French names. I prefer more traditional French names.
I adore this name, I do see why others wouldn't, it sounds like a little kid, or a dog, but I still love it! I don't know how this name would age, but I think that is the magic in it! To me, Lilou and Rosalie would be really cute for sisters!

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