Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds very trendy.
Liza (said LIE-ZA, not like Lisa with a "z" or else I can really see why people think of Lizard), is pretty.
Liza the lizard.
Beautiful! I also love Lisa! ♡.
At first I thought it was pronounced Lisa with a z. But nope at least it's better!
Reminds me of "Lizard".
Super pretty.
My parents really loved the name Liza, hence that's my name. Back growing up and attending school, the teachers and friends were always pronouncing my name wrong and everyone used to laugh, I would never correct them though, but now as an adult I really love my name, my name is pronounced Lee-za, people repeat Lisa, and I say no, it's Liza with a z! And they're always astonished and compliment my name. I now have the confidence to correct my name if it's mispronounced.
I named my daughter Liza back in 1979. I still love the name. The annoying part is that everyone mispronounces it. Her name is not "Lisa"!
I prefer Liza to Lisa.
A beautiful, amazing, gorgeous name! ;D.
I am a Liza, pronounced Lee-za. Always has been, I hate being called Lisa, Liz also frustrates me, my name is short enough as it is. I am constantly correcting people and so wish I had a different name, even with all the "oh that's such a pretty name".
My name is Liza, and I think its unique, but I also find it kind of harsh. I also HATE it when I get called Lisa. It's Liza with a Z not Lisa with and S, and it's LI instead of LEE. Not that hard people. My real name is Elizabeth, but I have never, nor will never go by it, I find it pretentious. If I were to pick another nickname it would probably be Betsy, although I'm pretty sure I would get sick of that soon :)
There is something really cute about the name Liza. I can't decide if I like Eliza or Liza more.

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