Comments (Usage Only)

Also a diminutive or Loren, and variant of Lorie.
Can also be a nickname/diminutive of Laura or Lauren.
Can also be a nickname for Dolores.
In 2018, 47 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Lori* who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 151st most common female first name for living U.S. citizens. *as a first name, not a nickname.
Lori (Lorie, etc) can also be a diminutive for the names Dolores and Dolorosa, given in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows.
The name Lori was given to 133 girls born in the US in 2015.
Another reason the name Lori was popular in the 60's was the extreme popularity of Lord Of The Rings, by J.R.R.Tolkien, which exploded in public use ('Frodo Lives' was popular graffiti) at that time.
The land of Lothlorien was a golden, enchanted place where the Elves lived. Tolkien was an oxford don, specializing in old languages - loth and lor are root related. He devised whole new languages based partly on old English, Finnish, and Celtic, from there he derived his 'Elvish". If you had a girl baby, especially with blonde hair, you might name her Lori, if you were a Tolkien fan."Valley of Gold", an old Nandorin name for the land, derived from Lindórinan after the Mallorn trees were planted. Elements: lor or Lori, golden light, nand, valley.
Laurenandë is the Qyenyan version of the same name, laurë meaning golden light.
Sindarin versions of the name are Glornan and Nan Laur where glor or glaur means golden light and nan valley.Laurelindórenan/Laurelindórinan
"Land of the Valley of Singing Gold". An old name, used by Treebeard and Faramir. Treebeard also used a longer name, Laurelindórenan lindelorendor malinornélion ornemalin which can be translated to "the valley where the trees in a golden light sing musically, a land of music and dreams; there are yellow trees there, it is a tree-yellow land".Lothlórien
"Dreamflower", the elements are loth blossom, flower and (o)lor, dream. This name was used in the later part of the Third Age. Often shortened to Lórien, a "loan" from Lórien of Valinor, the garden of the vala Irmo, which was familiar to Galadriel.
Lori is a pretty name, but it had not stood the test of time. It was very popular in the 60s, but quickly went out of fashion, not to mention wasn't used before the 60s. It's no longer in the top 1000 names for the US, while it was #8 in 1963.

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