Comments (Usage Only)

As one of the 5 boys born in 1961 with the name Lorrin, I find the data linked by LionB3 above to be really interesting on a couple of points. The name has now been given to more girls than boys while no girls were given the name before 1972 and now no boys have been given the name since 1978 with no one, girl or boy, having been given the name since 2005. The flip in usage is interesting and I wonder if it has been influenced by the popularity of the name Lauren--my half sister's middle name--of late.I, however, definitively know that the data is incomplete as I know for a fact that my grandfather, for whom I am named, was born in 1890, but the data for that year shows no one having been named Lorrin. His grandfather, my great, great grandfather was also named Lorrin. In between them, my great grandfather had Lorrin as his middle name, and my son also has it as his middle name. The name comes down through the generations from the side of my family that has origins in Kent County, England, specifically the seaside village of Lydd where several of my ancestors (say the word "great" 13 times) are interned in the center aisle of All Saint Church. That said the name Lorrin is not found in family history until my aforementioned great grandfather.Other than my grandfather, who died when I was 9 months old, I have never met anyone else with my name, though I know they exist, and now I know that there have been at least 469 of us in the US.

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