Comments (Meaning / History Only)

My surname Magda has always seemed beautiful and of course hallowed, being derived from Jesus's friend and stalwart companion throughout his ministry, Mary Magdalen. However, the name has received a dark stain, being the first name of Joseph Goebbels evil other half, Magda Goebbels, who sadly is known not just for being the Nazi Minister of Propaganda's wife, but for drugging and poisoning with cyanide, their six innocent, beautiful children, before doing what all the high ranking of Hitler's sick lackey's did, cheat the hangman and the victims of the Holocaust their justice by going out like the cowards they were to a person, using suicide. A speck of filth on a long clean and hallowed name, MAGDA..,..
Magda is also short for Magdalene and Magdalen.
While your information about some of the countries where the name Magda is used is correct, you could provide more detailed information, such as: Magda is originally a Palestinian name. Think of Mary Magdalen in Palestine 2,000 years ago, which pre-dates the countries you ascribed its usage to. Magda means "glorious one" in Arabic, which is much like the name "Gloria" in English. Magda remains a very common name in Arabic countries. It also is known in many forms in countries where the Bible has traveled.
Egyptian origin. Means "glorious" in Arabic.

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