Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name really doesn’t need a nickname, however since I love nicknames my favorite is Gus, it’s simple and strong and not too different from the name itself. Mags is also nice (though Maggie is definitely too feminine) and maybe it’s a stretch but Max could possibly work too (think of how Bill/Billie evolved from Will/Willie as a nickname for William).
Cool as a middle name, but too obvious as a first name. Badass for a fictional character, but between Magnus Bane and Magnus Chase and Jonah Magnus, it already feels a little bit less unique.
I don't really like this name, sounds like a lethal chemical or medication.
1. Electromagnetism
2. Magnum Cigarettes
3. Doesn't sound like a real name. It doesn't seem like it's from earthrealm. Weird.Many negative points. I don't choose it.
Reminds me of magnet...but I despise this name anyway.
Ugh, no. I can't stand this name.
I feel that people with this name may want to be referred to as their name rhymes with swagness.
I get a mysterious vibe from this name. This man willingly separates himself from the group, yet is observant. He's also very self-reliant (since no one does what he needs better than him). Don't poke fun at him or those he cares for, you'll get it back harsh and tenfold.
I like this name but I can't explain why.
I don't like the nickname Maggie, it seems too feminine, nor Aggie. I prefer it alone. It sounds handsome.
Magnus is the name of a cousin of mine, who now lives in Canada. I think the name is bold & masculine.
I find Magnus to be a very regal and strong masculine name, maybe even a little sexy. XD Sorry if that's a bit bold to say. But even on a small boy, the nickname Maggie would be adorable. Great name.
Reminds me of the word magnet.

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