Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I love the name Marjorie it’s so understated and elegant too.
What a beautiful name. I love its vintage charm. It deserves more attention, but...I love its uniqueness at the same time.
Cute. I like the spelling.
No offense, but I like Marjorie better than Margaret. I don't know, Marjorie sounds more elegant, more sophisticated and less common to me than Margaret. It also has a more beautiful sound. It is a lovely name.
This is probably one of those names that are heard a lot, but actually not that many people have it. I like it! It's strong, mature, really nice name! Marjorie, beautiful name!
This name sounds gorgeous. It's stunning. I don't know why I love it so much, but it should be more popular. It sounds so cutesy and beautiful at the same time.
Love it. In my top 10.
My friend Rory, spelled with an 'ie' instead of 'y', is actually named Marjorie. I like the name Rory as it is far better than Marj or Marjie.
My mother named me Marjorie which is a very unique and rare name followed by the middle name of Rose which made my name even more beautiful I think. I was named after my aunt and great grandmother.
Awful. Just Awful.
Mae, May, Mamie, Madge, Marie, Mimi, Miri, Mira, Jojo and Ree are potential nicknames. I once read "Rory" as a nickname suggestion as well, which I also like. I feel that most nicknames for Mary or Margaret could work for Marjorie. I think that "Marjo" could work as a nickname as well.
I love this name, as I do tend to be very fond of most English names beginning with M.
You could call her Margie, Jorie (or Jory? Maybe not this one) or you could maybe get away with nicknaming her Mary.
I love this for all ages, it grows so well.
I think Marjorie is a lovely name - but what keeps me from using it is the potential for the nickname Marge, which I think sounds horrid.
Marjorie is an aesthetically pleasing name and I love the meaning "pearl" (from Margaret) and also "flowering herb" (from marjoram). It fits very well into the vintage revival trend without being super popular. It has a long history as a name, which for me is one of the more important requirements. The nickname Jorie is fresh and adorable. I really love Marjorie.
So strong, yet also adorable! I would love to use this as a middle name.
I don't dislike it, but can't help thinking of margarine! XD Still a nice, classic sort of name, though.
I love love love the name Marjorie! It's so cute and pretty and sweet and lovely! :) I don't see what there is not to like! Xoxo.
I like the name Marjorie. It's cute and nice sounding.
My 1-year-old niece is named Marjorie and I severely dislike it. I think the sound of the J is too harsh. Maybe with time it will grow on me.
This is a lovely name.
Marjorie is a tolerable name, I suppose. In my personal opinion, it reminds me a bit of the horrible "butter" impersonator called "Margarine".
Mari is a cute nickname, if one chooses.
This is my middle name. I much prefer this spelling to "MARGERY". I like (a lot) it as a middle name, but I am glad it isn't my first name, as it took me ages to learn how to spell it.
This is definitely a better spelling than Margery, but it sounds just as unpleasant. Somehow this seems like an old-fashioned elitist name, even if it isn't one.
Marjorie is my mom's name and I think it's a pretty good name. It's not common, and I think that's good! I like it better than its variant Margery.

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