Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is a wonderful and handsome name. I used to not be a fan of the 'saru' part. I thought that it was a bit ugly (and the fact that it sounded like "sorrow" or the Japanese word for monkey did not help). However, I find it to be very strong now. What's wrong with thinking of monkeys? I don't think anyone named Masaru should have it shortened to Saru (Monkey) by bullies, as it's not even funny. We are closely related to the primates, and they don't laugh at us for being silly. Humans can be SO silly.Besides, this name would actually be quite fitting for a guy who was born in the year of the monkey. (Chinese Zodiac: 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, and 2004 are only a FEW of the designated years.)
You should be proud of it. Go Masaru! The meaning of excellence or victory? Heck yeah!

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