Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I love this name! I named one of my characters this. Outside of my own character, the name reminds me of summer? It's a warm name, at least to me. I think it's a solid choice, and it has some cute nicknames.
No offense but Mateo is actually an old man's name.
Robert, Paul, and George is what sounds like an old man, Mateo just sounds very cute and youthful. This person is definitely jealous of this name.
No offense to people named Mateo, but Matteo, Matthew, and Matthias are more handsome.
I like this name, it's cute and handsome. It makes me think of sweet potato...NO OFFENSE THOUGH, I STILL LIKE IT.
I love this name! I'm thinking of adding it as a middle name when I change my name in a year or two, I just really love the way it sounds.
It sounds like Potato.
I love it. Prefer it to boring Matthew.
Sounds strange. Little bit dry. I don't know what to say about this name, but I just don't like it, even if it's not bad, still, something feels missing.
I don't like it. Mateo is such a weird name; I can't believe it's number 25 on the US popularity chart.
Cool name, but I prefer the original Matthew.
Didn't know this was the Spanish form of Matthew.

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