Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Looks very beautiful but now ruined thanks to the makeup brand I hear on TV adverts all the time when I was younger...
This would sound nice as a name if it wasn't the name of a makeup company.
Over the top spelling of an over the top name.
My favorite makeup brand! Great name!
Very pretty, but I can’t help but think of the makeup brand.
Too over the top for my taste. Maybe if it weren't for the makeup brand I'd like it :/.
It’s super pretty, like flawless! But the cosmetic brand...
It's a makeup company though.
Maybe she is born with it or maybe it was chosen. Who cares, it is Maybelline.
Maybe it’s Maybelline! Seriously though, this name is super pretty compared to Mabel or Maybelle. I wouldn’t use it because of the brand (which goes without saying), but it’s a shame this can’t be used anymore without bullying/teasing.
I love this name! It's so cute. But I would spell it Mabeline.
This would be very weird to have as a name. Maybe a nickname?
The name Maybelline was actually given to 23 baby girls born in the US in 2012...
It does sound pretty, but it's a make-up company, and brand names look ridiculous as given names on people.
I love this name. Just how beautiful it sounds. I probably won't be naming my daughter this (because of the reaosns listed above) but it's still so pretty!
This would be such a nice name if it wasn't for the makeup brand.
Maybelline would have been a cute little name had it not been for the makeup company.
Come on now, this is a well-known make-up brand in pretty much every country worth visiting for ten minutes. How tacky would this be as a name?
I never knew this was a person's name! I thought someone made it up for the makeup brand!

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