Comments (Personal Impression Only)

McKenzie, McNuggets and McDonald are good triplets.
I like McKenzie much better than Mackenzie.The surname is usually spelled McKenzie so this feels more authentic and like a direct use from the surname which gives it more meaning as I'd be more likely to assume they used a family name. I also find the "Mack"-combination ugly for a girl. McKenzie is prettier and leads more directly to Kenzie than Mack.It is a bit dated but overall a nice name.
Boooring! Everyone's named McKenzie!
OMG I love my name SSSSOOO Much! So what if mc or mac means son of! Like who cares?! OMG, my name is Mckenzi without an e so it is even more uniqu at first. I didn't really like it but now I love it- in fact, my best friend is named Mackenzie!
Wow, everybody needs to shut up, my name is Mckenzie, and I love it. At first I hated my name, but reading these comments has made me proud to be named Mckenzie and I love it.
Terrible, especially for a girl.
I have a 16 year old daughter with this name. Not spelled this way, though. Actually, her full name is McKynzy Braelyn Bachman. I loved the name McKenzie, but I wanted to be more creative with her name. That's when I came up with the spelling McKynzy. Then, I decided on the middle name Braelyn. Both names are beautiful, stylish Irish names! She is Irish on both sides, so I thought I should give McKynzy an Irish first and middle name to honor our heritage. My little girl loves her name!
You guys know that "Mc/"Mac" means "son of", right? This is clearly a masculine name. Plus, it sounds far too cutesy to age properly. I can't imagine anyone over the age of 25 with this name.
This is my girlfriend's name. Luckily, she doesn't really fit the stereotype of average American girl named McKenzie, but to be honest, I'm still not a fan of the name for a girl. Though, unfortunately, I have found a worse variant that makes you know the parent doesn't know the meaning or origin: Makinzi. Euhh...
Recommend you don't ever use this for a girl, from one American to another. Please.
I love the name Mckenzie but I like it spelled Mackenzie. I'm totally naming my child that!
My name is Jasmine and I absolutely love my name! It is a very old and also a very modern name. It's also a perfect name for youth and older, a lot better than something like lucky or small (yes I have actually seen people with those names). I think it is a perfect first name and I don't see how you wouldn't!
I'm sorry, but this sounds like a McDonald's food.
I am naming my newborn daughter Mckenzie (Kenzie). Anyone that has a problem with that must get a life. There are much more worthy things to spend your energy on than to waste it on trivial things that do not affect you in any way.Hedley (South Africa).
This name should have remained solely as a surname."McKenzie" on a girl is not only tiresome, but tacky and obnoxious as well. It's way too cutesy and ages poorly and makes me think that the parents are incredibly young.
I think that this name is too masculine and has an ambiguous meaning. It will NOT age well, in my opinion.
It's cute, just not sure it will age well.
Regardless of the gender, this name purely screams teen mom. This name is a teen mother choice GALORE.Not a fan. Too modern, immature, cutesy-tootsie.I'm not dissing it because it's a surname (I love Parker and Carter for boys) but McKenzie and all its spellings can go.
McKenzie is my name. It was my Grandmothers last name. I come from the Irish McKenzies and go by the nickname Kenzie. I am 35 years old and my name has never been commonly used. If you look at the current statistical analysis you would have a difficult time defending it as common. I do dislike when it is spelled improperly as I have a strong connection to my matriarchal heritage through my name. This right in the 21st century should not just be reserved for men. Children throughout time have been given surnames as first names. This has been a way to honor both sides of your family. Every century analyzes names differently. During the Protestant uprising in England children were named things like "Christ has risen for your sins". In the Victorian period names like Baboon, Toilet and Jaunty Badger were used as first names. The idea that our generation is the first to choose unique first names is just completely incorrect. This also proves, along with the fact that Chardonnay is a popular girls name in England, that England should not be, and historically has never been, the guiding beacon for children's names. As for anyone who needs to spend their time viciously attacking someone else's name. Find a new hobby! Is it that much fun taking your anger out on people behind your computer screen? There are other more worthy causes to put your energies toward.
I'm British and McKenzie is more popular on boys - quite trashy though. I've never understood this trend of last names as first names e.g. Cooper, Carter, Ryder, Parker etc.
This is my name. I kind of hate it, but then again it's better than my parents' first choice for me. I don't really answer to it unless it's relatives, but even then they don't always call me McKenzie, they call me either Kenzie or Kenni.
My names Makenzie and I love my name.. not many people have the name, I only know two others with the name and they're both girls.. don't judge the name based on where it comes from or the meaning or anything, if you like it, use it if you don't then don't..
Funny, because I know sisters named Madison and Mackenzie. Yes, sisters. It's gut-wrenching, I know.
Trashy and childish. I put it into the same category as names like Madison.
I like Mackenzie better.
It's beyond me why anyone would use this trashy name. It sounds like an Irish last name, because it IS, and it just sounds preposterous.
My name's McKenzie but people shorten it down to just Kenzie. It doesn't sound masculine to me. I'd probably laugh if I met a guy with the first name McKenzie. All I've ever been told about my full name is that it's extremely pretty, probably because my middle name is Taylor. Kenzie Taylor just happens to sound very feminine to me, and I don't think it's just because I'm used to hearing the name referred to me.
My daughter's name is McKenzie. Although in its origin Mc may mean son of, we live in a culture where most people don't know or don't care about the history of names, we just pick what we like. I like the sound of it. Honestly it did take some getting used to calling my sweet little baby McKenzie now I say it loud and say it proud. And remember most names after they have crossed the gender line they soon become more popular as girl names. Think about Leslie or Kim, check them out.
'Mc' or 'Mac' at the beginning of a name usually means 'son of', so I find it strange when a girl bears this kind of name.
Even though this wasn't popular in the 80s, it makes me picture a little girl from a middle class American family with ghastly clothes and hair back in the 80s. It's not cute for a little girl, it sounds infantile and tacky, and I find it weird to imagine there may be cute cheerleaders, homecoming queens, and prom queens named McKenzie 15 years from now. The name is very surname-y and rather masculine, but it doesn't sound like a serious name for any adult.
This is just about as masculine and unappealing as it gets.
My name is Mckenzie, I've always loved it. It's unique and I have to say that I've only met about three other Mckenzies in my life. I wouldn't change it for anything else.
Unique my arse!
One of my best friends is named McKenzie! It rocks! Also, if you spell it, you can put MOUSE at the end and make it sound like song!
This sounds great as a surname, but as a first name? No.
Hearing this as a first name on a girl always cracks me up.
I have always loved that name, since I was a little girl. I am thinking of changing my last name to McKenzie!

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