Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think this name is very lovely. However, I really don't care for the spelling. In my honest opinion, 'Melanie' is just one of those names that looks better as is, with no alternative spellings.
Strongly prefer Melanie to this.
"How are ya, my lany?" Like someone with a speech impediment trying to say my lady.
I love names ending with Y so I prefer this to Melanie.
Looks misspelled.
Melany is a great name I personally am named Melany and I'm not trying to sound full of myself but that name represents someone who is loving and social. Melany is a name that is popular but still very rare when spelled with a "y". It shows someone who can listen to your problems and even be a shoulder to lean on, someone who will maybe not always be there but will when it counts, and it doesn't hurt that you're probably attractive if your name is Melany ;)
I love this name, it's so pretty and feminine. I love this spelling because it's phonetic and simple. You can't go wrong with MELANY!
Melany is nice, though I like Melanie better.

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