Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think it's not ugly in my opinion. It's so sweet, simple and nice.
It's clunky but adorable.
Not a fan, it's a type of toast.
This was the name of one of my great aunts, one of my grandmother's aunts. I believe she was born in the late 1800s, and died sometime after or during the 1950s. I've heard many stories of her from my grandmother's childhood and I've always thought of Melba as a great name.
Love this name for a dog.
I would love the name Melba if it weren't for Melba Toast. If I named my daughter Melba she would think I named her after the toast because I always have some in the house. That would be partially true because I did first hear of the name from toast. But it is still a beautiful name. Maybe I would name a character in a story Melba, but not my own daughter.
Sorry, it reminds me too much of the Peach Melba yoghurts served in my school's Milk Bar. Very nice name though - strikes me as Spanish!

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