Comments (Usage Only)

In modern times, this name can also be a Feminine name, making this name Unisex. [noted -ed]
In the USA, 175 girls and 105 boys were born with the name Merritt in 2017.
Recently in the USA in 2021, 126 girls and 82 boys were born with the name Merritt in 2021.
Uptate: Just recently in 2022, 138 girls and 78 boys were born with the name Merritt in 2022. started entering feminine popularity in 1966 with 37 girls and 34 boys recorded with the name Merritt. It continued to be used for both genders evenly up until 2014, then in 2016, it skyrocketed the popularity as a feminine name with 155 girls and 78 boys recorded with the name Merritt. Even today, it continues to be more often used as a Feminine name.BTW, check this site for more info on why Merritt was popular as a feminine name!
This is so feminine.
The name Merritt was given to 43 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
Merritt isn't just a guys name, here. My aunt and my sister are both named Merritt, and are spelled just the same.

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