Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Cute nickname, but the pronunciation is very funny.
I have never been able to wrap my head around this name. I think I'm fairly open-minded and embrace the diversity of languages and the vast array of names that come from them. But the sound "meep" is just plain bizarre to me as a name. One of my friends has a Facebook friend named Miepie, presumably pronounced "MEE-pee," and I feel bewildered every time I see it. Of course, I would never tell someone I didn't like their name. I just puzzle over it in my own head... and now on this website. I am sure that in the Netherlands it is commonplace and I would be comfortable with it there. But an American named Miep... I don't know. If you're considering naming your daughter this and you don't live in the Netherlands or some other place where Dutch is spoken, I think you could expect a lot of bemusement in your/her future.
When I first read about Anne Frank's diary, I thougt that Miep and Bep were hillarious names, even though I am German. But I have finished the book, and I think it is a cool nickname now.
Seems cute for a little Dutch girl, say under the age of 10, but would easily be mispronounced as MY-ep in America. Also, the correct pronunciation would probably get some snickers (meep, meep! is the sound the roadrunner in the cartoons makes.)
Ok. It's kind of strange if your child is named after a sound. Imagine the teacher calling roll call. Meep? Meep? Meeeeeeep? One of the strangest names in the bunch in my opinion.

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