Comments (Pronunciation Only)

I was named Moira after an Irish relative, pronounced MOR-uh, and I've never encountered anyone else with this spelling who pronounces it this way. I usually need to correct people's pronunciation several times before they get it (if they ever do), and I've learned that it's much easier in customer service situations to just say MOY-ruh so that they'll spell it correctly. Despite the hassles, I've always thought it was a pretty name and I appreciated how rare it was.
This is my name, and I often used to tell everyone, "You can just call me Molly" which has always been my name for my friends. Somehow, people always mispronounce it! I've heard Mo-ira, MORA (the most common), Moria, Miora. The list just goes on. It's written right there. Moira, it's not that hard.
It should actually be pronounced MOY-rə, not MOI-rə.
I've heard it pronounced like Mariah. I've also heard it pronounced like Mira. I'm not sure how the parents decided on those pronunciations.
This name could be pronounced several different ways. You've got MOY-ra, MORE-a, and possibly MWEE-ra, even in this spelling.
Or if you pronounce it each vowel separately (like you would in Spanish) it would become mo-EE-ra, which I personally think is beautiful. (But not a good name for a child because people would always want to pronounce it MOY)If you had to give her a nickname, she could be Moe, or the much better Ira.The name always reminds me of a moire pattern.
I have a Moira in my family, and I think it is a beautiful name. Most people who know her pronounce it MOI-ra, however a couple her siblings pronounce it MY-ra, which I personally find annoying but it's just another little pronunciation to throw into the mixer.
I know two girls who pronounce this name MOORE-ah.

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