Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I just don’t like it at all because I call my grandma Nan.
It's pretty. I like the nickname Nan.
Very pretty.
This French diminutive for Anne leaves me with the impression of appreciating its divergent appeal from the normative as the name applies to a graceful, yet strong concept from a quick glance. The name would definitely make for an incredible middle name that may create a rhythmic flow to a full name.
Why do people say names are outdated? All names are old. Sarah and James and Emily are really old but no one says those names are outdated. I think Nanette and Nanetta are lovely names. Nancy and Nettie could be nicknames for it.
It sounds so childish it's almost absurd! As a pet name, fine, but as a full name... just no.
My name is Nanette and I LOVE IT! When I was little I didn't like it because there were no key chains and whatnot with my name on it. But I think that Nanette is a really nice name. No, it is not a LEEEETLE outdated. Thank you. =)
This is a very pretty name! It could work for now because it's not a tacky overused name like Madison, Ashley, Brooke or Jordin! It's a name that's easy to grow up with and keep the rest of your life!
I think this name is very lovely, it is old fashioned but to the point of being cool (like Enid, Ava, Velma, ect). It makes me think of a happy girl that loves the color pink!
I think this name is a LEEETLE outdated.

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