Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Who on Earth would name their son Narcissus? It's very over-the-top and pretentious, it has a terrible meaning, and it sounds and looks a LOT like the word "narcissist". I'll 100% pass.
Looks like “narcissist”.
It's too bad many people think this name means "vanity". It's a beautiful name really, but I would refrain from using it because this name was given a bad connotation.The funny part is earlier someone said "an egotistic Greek god". That is hilarious to me! Narcissus wasn't a Greek god, nor was he very egotistical. Go to Wikipedia for the real story:
"As divine punishment he fell in love with his own reflection in a pool, not realizing it was merely an image, and he wasted away to death, not being able to leave the beauty of his own reflection."
Fabulous. I'd use it. The character from Greek Mythology is all too human, and so am I.
Who in the right mind would name their son Narcissus? This name is really over-the-top and has a terrible meaning. I'll pass.
This is a name? Incredible. It's over-the-top, not nice-sounding, has a terrible meaning, and from that terrible meaning came the word "narcissistic," a personality disorder! This is definitely going on my list of Names Know One In Their Right Mind Will Ever Use.
Why would anyone name their child after an egotistic Greek god? This is what narcissistic personality disorder is named for.

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