Comments (Personal Impression Only)

The meaning is so sweet despite the fact that it sounds like a slur. If I was Persian I would name my daughter this.
This is my name and I love it =) The meaning of the name is so beautiful...also looks romantic when you pronounce it =)
It's my name and I love everything about it. It also means art and design, it really suits me.
What an awful name, Persian or not there are far prettier names like Nadia and Parisa that are of Persian origin.
English speakers need to understand that there are other languages & names in the world. Would this be a good name to use in the western/English world? Probably not, but let's not knock other cultures/languages by saying that they're wrong.
I love the meaning. ♥ Powerful, darling name.
Racial Slur in English.
Literally why would you name your kids this?
This would be an awful name to have in an English-speaking country, considering it looks like a racial slur.
This would sound nice but in Persian only, for apparent reasons.
NOOOO It looks the N WORD!

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