Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think it leans more on the feminine side but if anything it’s fairly unisex. Anyways, this is a nice name.
Love the mythology behind the name. Not a big fan of the name itself, though. Kind of a femme Keith?
Because this was a name of a goddess, it would be good on a girl but on a boy it would be like naming him Bastet or a girl named Osiris. Very unique for a girl, though! Just because it sounds like Keith doesn't make it a boy name.Charlot and Charlotte sound alike, does that make Charlotte a boy name?
No, I love it for a boy and hate it for a girl.
I love this name for a girl, but it's awful on a boy.
I really like the sound of the name Neith and the meaning too. It's really unique! :)
I'm glad this has been added to the database, I love this name! I love the meaning and mythology of it.
A lot of people don't seem to like the sound of it, but I find it attractive in a quirky, mysterious sort of way.

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