Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is my son's name.
I didn't like it much at first (his father named him) but it's grown on me. It's a very strong name for a lovely little boy. Very unique.
I kind of like it, but I much prefer Oren, which is Nero backwards.
Here in Italy the famous emperor is called Nerone so the link is not so immediate for me even if I'm aware of that.Here in Italy Nero is mostly seen as a short form of Raniero (or also as full name but virtually related to it). It has an aristocratic vibe in this sense but it is actually very rare because of another reason.Nero literally means "black" in Italian (referred to a he or a grammatically masculine animal, plant or thing). So it is not commonly used for children.I prefer Raniero or Ranieri.
I don't know why you would want to name your kid after a Roman dictator, but hey, it's your choice.
This name sounds cool and mysterious for a guy and makes a person sound quite intriguing in my opinion.
Nero rhymes with Zero!
And hero!

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