Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I prefer Nevada.
This is such a great nickname for Geneva.
Sounds like someone with a New York accent saying "never".
I love the fact that Neva (I pronounce it NEH-vuh) means snow. So unique and elegant.
Even though it's not pronounced similarly, it is written in a way that is too similar to never.
Nevaeh but with a meaning, I like it :)
Very pretty name, although I prefer Neve.
My name is Neva Ann, I was named after my grandmother, Neva Geraldene. I have never met another Neva, (ever)! I never knew my grandmother, or really any of my family period. My guess is that my grandmother was born the 1920's as well... however, I was born in the 70's and always wondered why my mother gave me this name... as I get older, I appreciate the uniqueness of my name.
My mother, born in 1924 in Texas, is named Neva. Pronounced like knee-vah. She says when she was in college in the 40's there were several Nevas around. The story of her name is that her mother (my Grandmother) read a novel where the heroine was named Neva. I wonder in the Nevas born in the 1920s, were all named after that novel? I wish I knew the name of the book. Apparently, there is a young adult dystopian novel by Sarah Grant with the main character named Neva.
Sounds too close to the ugly Nevaeh for my liking. I recommend Nova over Neva.
If I knew someone with this name I would probably think of them as someone who doesn't like being told what to do. Sounds like a ghetto version of "never", like "nevah". It comes from the name Geneva so I guess it would sound like "knee-vah" but it just doesn't make sense.
Terrible name. It sounds like how Australians say 'never'.
The name Neva was given to 83 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
'Neva' simply does not sound like a real name. It sounds like the name of a river, certainly. But it does not sound like a real person's name. A far more likable and traditional alternative would be 'Niamh'.
It looks like someone saying "Never" in a British accent.
As a short form of Geneva, it's ok. As a full name - ugh. Also, it reminds me of a misspelling of 'never'.
A bit boring. Only has place as a short form in my opinion.
If I were to use this name, I would spell it Nevah. If you look at the spelling, it is the name Haven backwards.
To me, this looks like someone saying "never" with a "street" accent.
I like the sound and look of this name, and it reminds me of science fiction character names for some reason. I guess it's the vowel-consonant-vowel-consonant thing, and the letter "v", neither of which appear too often in English names.
Very nice. This would make a great alternative to Nevaeh.
I like the sound of this name. It sounds esthetic, sophisticated, classy, yet nicely simple. It's uncommon nowadays, and it's quite surprising people haven't rediscovered the name since the tacky Nevaeh has become so popular.
I was named Neva. I admit it's a hard name to bear. Lol. Usually it is mispronounced and mistaken for Nevada or Geneva. Also, slang for never. I was named after my grandmother, and always wished for a popular name like Kelly or Amber. But now I am proud to have a unusual name. Rarely do I meet anyone else with it, and if I do, they are usually elderly women. It's interesting to have this name.
Neva Dinova is my favorite band. I had heard Jake Bellows named the band after his grandmother, and I was thinking, "Neva is a name? What?" Then I grew to really love it as I heard more about people with this name. It sounds so pretty and unique even though it was more common in the past. I think there was a character on Murder in Small Town X named Neva, as well.
I have a friend named Neva. She is a very pretty, kind, and talented. I find it to be a very unique and beautiful name. It sounds appropriate at any age, too. The only problem with this name is its pronunciation. It confuses a lot of people. But that shouldn't be enough to deter one from bestowing this name on their daughter. It's lovely and I heartily recommend it!

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