Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Simple and elegant with a beautiful meaning! I would love to be called Neve, I think it suits all ages.
This name looks so much better than the tacky Nevaeh!
I actually prefer this to Nevaeh. It’s a pretty name.
Way easier to pronounce and spell than Niamh.
Possible nickname for Nevaeh.
My name is Neve, but I pronounce it Neev or Niamh. My mother thought that it would be easier for a child to spell rather than Niamh, but we live in Canada now and I think about 5% of the time someone will say it right. I like my name but it's so irritating to correct people all the time.
Neve is a beautiful Italian name that means "snow".
It is quite rare but I love it because it is simple but very sweet.
The name Neve was given to 71 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
Even though I don't like the unanglicized Niamh, I happen to love this name. It sounds pretty.
Hey, I just discovered it is spelled "Even" when backwards! Cool! I prefer the original spelling, Niamh, even though this is easier to pronounce.
Neve is definitely easier to pronounce than Niamh in English-speaking countries.
My name is Niamh (which I've always loved!), but since I live in the States often times people have a hard time pronouncing it. For people who just can't get it, I tell them to call me Neve ("nev", like Neve Campbell, the actress) instead. I like Niamh better, but Neve is also nice.
Really pretty name; easier than Niamh, no doubt.
Neve is a very pretty name for a girl.

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