Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It’s an ok name, though the spelling doesn’t look right to me.
The amphibian association makes this name WORSE? Seriously? Man, I'm starting to think I'm the only person on this website with any taste.
Quite ugly. Newton isn’t even a nice name anyway.
This name just sounds gross to me, and the association with Gingrich certainly doesn't help.
This name given to me at birth I hold in high regard, this name NEWT is not for the weak, trust me... my strength and character with an unpopular name, came from having this name itself. Yes I was picked on about my name in elementary school. BUT... JR High and High school! A handsome young man, with a funny name had it's benefits. So for me, this actually being my given name, life has been good with it so far.
So... in closing, if you have a PROBLEM with the Name NEWT...In the good spirit of Bernie Mac (rip) NAMEYOUROLEPUNKA$$KID SOMETHING ELSE
And for you slow people (name your old punk a$$ kid something else).
The name would be okay as a shortform of Newton, but I'm not sure about just being named Newt.
Newt? A newt is an amphibian. What kind of a name is Newt (unless of course your real name is Newton and people don't call you Newt too frequently)? Not one I'd use, obviously.
New Gingrich has completely ruined this name, but it sounds quite ugly anyway.
I think this would be a cute nickname for a little girl (like on the movie Aliens), but not for a real name.
It's a reptile, not a name.

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