Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I love this name. And not just because I am a fan of One Direction.
I think it sounds weird when someone mixes a traditional Irish or Scottish name with a modern surname. (Example : Braidain O'Connor.) Niall seems to annoy me the most in this situation. Great name, it has a cool meaning and sounds pretty.
I personally love this name! Don't let the One Direction association ruin this name for you, as it has a solid meaning to it.
This is a cool and cute name! =D Of course, I think of Niall Horan, but I don't think he's a horrible association to have. =) Girl sibling name suggestions: Nayab/Nayaab (pronounced NA-YAB), Naiara/Nayara, Naila (pronounced NY-la), Naira, Nyala, Naima, Nigella and Naomi.
Boy sibling name suggestions: Nayden, Nigel and Naylor.
My littlest is Niall. I say little, but he's 11. I have always loved the lyrical sound of gaelic names and we wanted a name that every third kid didn't have. I can't stand when there are 50 people named Ashley! I think the name Niall is lovely.
I can't stand this name because it reminds me of that jerk Niall Horan from One Direction.
I really like this name, it's a nice variant on a more common name, however I'd be afraid to use it right now. There would be the inevitable association with One Direction, and I feel like you'd have to constantly explain, "No, I'm not a One Direction fan, I just like the name." Plus, I prefer the pronunciation NEE-al, which would just complicate matters further.
Lovely name, unfortunate mainstream media connotation.
Reminds me of the Nile river and of course, the god awful band one direction.
Don't like it. This is a name used by Irish-American parents who won't accept any non-Irish names for their kids. Please, we're not in medieval Ireland anymore!
I love this name too! It just seems so handsome and strong to me. Much nicer than Neil. I definitely wouldn't mind naming my son this.
I think this is one of the most beautiful names around so much so that I named my second son Niall. I have noticed it has became very popular recently. It is a common misconception that Niall is a form of Niel when in fact it is the other way round.

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