Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I had no idea this was a name! It's a shame it's been turned into an insult, I don't think it's so terrible in itself.
I saw a kid named Nimrod on "The Voice Kids" (the Dutch one) and instantly came here to look it up because I couldn't believe that it was an actual name someone had and I'm shocked to learn it's a bible character...
It's not a good name for a person in America.
I don't like this being used as a name at all because of it's negative slang meaning that I hear being used on TV and in movies. I'm from the UK and it's not just people in the US who know it's an insult, many people in the UK actually know it's an insult and what it means too.
One of the definitions listed in the dictionary is "A person regarded as silly, foolish, or stupid". This is what first popped into my head when I saw the name (and was the only reason I even clicked on the link - pure surprise that it was an actual name!)I'd be interested in finding out where the slang of Nimrod got it's start and if it has any link to the name.But, either way, this is not a name that I would recommend a parent use in the USA - as far as I know, everybody here knows what the slang Nimrod means, while only some know the story.
Don't name your kid this, because (at least in America) it is another word for "idiot".
Your kid won't care that this was the name of the great-grandson of whoever. They'll care that their name is Nimrod.
Considering this is sometimes used as an insult meaning "moron", it's probably not wise to give a child this name.

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